alhamdulillah,,atlast i finished sew all those 15 birdies she ordered. It tOoK 2 dAys for me to finished al these becz she wants it b4 this Hari Raya Haji,,huhuh,,I hope u like it very much,,,weee~~~
a flock of birdies trying to make nest at my orchid tree,,Noooo~!!!!

I had caught noty birdies playing around my garden,,YeAyyy!!!
a few
of them
been escaped
successfully!cet!!!tangan aku kecik sgt ker???.
*padahal tak larat nk snap satu -satu.hehe
*tido kui 3 pagi kejar masa,,,uhu,,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot. Sangatlah comel dan kiut miut.
Next time kalau saya nak order lagi, saya akan kasi time allowance.
Emergency lah.
Thanks anyway.
alhamdulillah jika anda pueh ati dgn hasil kerja jari jemari saya,,hihi,,Tanks 2 u too Izpuri,,jgn lupa bagi makan kat burung2 tu ya,,hihihi